Five Tips from My 2019 to Your 2020

Nadeeshaan Gunasinghe
4 min readJan 1, 2020

It’s the 31st of December 2019 when I’m writing this story. I was watching Big Bang Theory Season-1 this morning and it’s been 8 years since I started watching this amazing Series. For a moment I just recalled 8 years back of my life and it’s been a wonderful journey so far. So, I thought to share some tips I learned so far.

At the start of 2019, I thought of following several year-long targets and look back on them at the end of the year. So I’ll share a couple of those tips which I thought would be worth sharing with you as well.

Learn Something New

It doesn’t matter whether you are a student, a professional or even you are retired, try to learn something new. This can be a new language, mastering a new skill related to your profession or even a new hobby.

If you are employed, try to master a new skill related to your profession. Some people might be interested to have a sneak peek at skills in another profession. That’s brilliant and just WOW. If you dream of being successful in your career, you definitely have to raise your bar and master new skills (Leadership skills for an example).

Sometimes you might be interested in exploring wholly new areas such as starting a new hobby. I started learning how to play the guitar (Well… not mastered yet though :D) and also learning new technology-related stuff. If I look back today, I’m really satisfied myself since I have learnt some cool stuff and it feels really cool.

Try to learn something new and I can vouch that you’ll be proud of yourself at the end of the day.

Plan your Month, Week and Day

This is not just depending on short term goals instead of long term goals. Of course, you should have long term goals to achieve in your life. For me, it’s 10 years, 5 years and yearly goals. One of the most important things you need to keep in mind is that your short term goals should align with your long term goals.

At the start of the month keep a list of tasks you are going to complete/ focus on. Similarly, plan your week at the beginning of the week and evaluate the progress at the end of the week. This will allow you to review how well you have managed your time and which areas you need to focus more.

Most importantly, plan your day. Before you get off the bed take 5 minutes and prepare a prioritized task list which you are going to complete. Don’t overload your self with so many items or don’t have a lighter list.

At first, you will find this difficult or you might not be able to meet your goals in the very first week. Try to keep up at least one month and you’ll see the progress yourselves. Believe me, you’ll feel great at the end of the first month.

Enjoy the Little Moments in Your Life

Enjoy every little moment in your life. These moments come only once in your life and don’t forget to enjoy every bit of it. You may be busy with your professional work, but don’t forget to spend your time with your loved ones. Enjoy their special days, share their happy and sad moments. Go to a dinner/ lunch out with your family. Forget your other problems cherish the moments you spend with your loved ones. This will allow you to relax yourselves and calm your mind. Bonding with your loved ones is the most wonderful and magical thing in the world.

Have Some Me Time Every Day

You work hard from the morning, take care of others and etc. So at the end of the day, it’s normal you feel tired and searching for some space for yourselves. So every day, keep aside one hour for yourself and enjoy what you enjoy the most. For me, it’s reading a book, listening to a podcast and similar fun stuff. Always try to keep your mind relaxed so that would make you the path to a hassle-free smooth day. Most importantly, as long as you have a relaxed and clear mind, you will thrive in achieving your goals.

Share Your Wisdom With Someone

This is actually a very tricky thing to practice. Overdoing this might end you up in a tricky position though. Sharing your experience with someone let you evaluate yourself and evaluate the things you have achieved in your life. Once, one of my teachers asked me to practice this around 10 years back when I was a student. Since then I was trying to practice this little by little. I volunteered for public speaking, taught students some school subjects and little by little I could find a way to share my experience with others.

If you can practice this, I’m sure one day you will be thrilled to hear that you have made someone’s day and believe me, you are blessed.


Defining success of life is different from one person to another. Facts I shared above was based on my experience and you also might be following such habits already. I think, what matters at the end of the day is you get closer to your life goals and have a wonderful day.



Nadeeshaan Gunasinghe

Autor, Expert Software Engineer at Zuhlke Group - Singapore, Microservices Enthusiast, Full-stack Developer, Hardcore Cricket Fan, Sci-fi Addict ;)